It is here! The new Nowra guide is the most comprehensive guide to one of Australias largest sport climbing destinations. Coincidently it also includes New Nowra or Braidwood Park as it is now known which contains 650 routes in itself. With over 1500 routes all up it will be impossible  to run out of projects to get yourself spanked on ever again.Â
A big team of the who’s who of climbing in Nowra have colaborated to give us all the right info include Rob and Carlie LeBreton, Rod Young and Neil Monteith as well as many more photo contributors. Simon Carter has delivered what we’ve come to expect from his guides in the way of a clear, tight layout with plenty of information that is easy to navigate.Â
Areas Inlcuded:
Shoalhaven Southside
- Hospital Rocks
- Thompson’s Sunrise
- Thompson’s Point
- Afterburner Wall
Grotto Cliffline
- PC
- Donutland Leftside
- Donutland Rightside
- The Grotto
Bomaderry Creek Lower
- Lot 33
- Mortein Wall
- Rosies
- South Central
- Cheesdale
Bomaderry Creek Upper
- Julian Rocks
- The Ammo Dump
- Choc-A-Bloc
- Â
Babylon Areas
- BabylonÂ
- The Gaza Strip
- The West Bank
- Occupie Territories
Braidwood Road Crags (aka. New Nowra)
- The Lair
- Panther Country
- Haylands Lookout
- Lasseter’s
- The Goldmine
- Moonshine
- Sunshine State
- Tianjara Falls
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